At the moment that you can truly embrace uniqueness, You Are Divine.

~Ra Uru Hu

Human Design is a synthesis of the esoteric and the exoteric. It is a way to know yourself more deeply and profoundly while honoring your life and purpose on this plane in this lifespan.

When you learn what the unconscious, or Design, is here to explore and you honor it’s process in that, you allow your conscious, or Personality, to relax and enjoy the ride as the unattached observer. We are shifting from a consciousness of helplessness to a consciousness of empowerment.

This website is designed to get you into a contemplative state in order to fully immerse yourself in your Human Design experiment. This website is also created with the assumption that you already have a basic understanding of Human Design or that you know how to get more information in a way that works best for you.

I created the Book of You and the Human Design Guide Workbooks to help others get into their own rhythm of learning and contemplating.

“The only way that anyone can transform their life if not by learning, it is by living.” ~Ra Uru Hu

  • Generator


    Generators make up about 70% of the population.

    Your Strategy is to RESPOND

    Your Signature is SATISFACTION

    Your Not-Self Theme is FRUSTRATION

  • Manifesting Generator

    Manifesting Generator

    Manifesting Generators are Generators, they just have the added ability to move into initiation quickly.

    Your Strategy is to RESPOND / INITIATE

    Your Signature is SATISFACTION

    Your Not-Self Theme is FRUSTRATION / ANGER

  • Manifestor


    Manifestors are about 10% of the population.

    Your Strategy is to INFORM

    Your Signature is PEACE

    Your Not-Self Theme is ANGER

  • Projector


    Projectors make up about 20% of the population.

    Your Strategy is to WAIT FOR THE INVITATION

    Your Signature is SUCCESS

    Your Not-Self Theme is BITTERNESS

  • Reflector


    Reflectors make up about 2% of the population.

    Your Strategy is to WAIT A LUNAR CYCLE

    Your Signature is SURPRISE

    Your Not-Self Theme is DISAPPOINTMENT